Card: Queen of Cups
The week ahead is one of ease and harmony. You may want to sit back, relax and spend some time nurturing yourself. You may not have the inclination to be a part of the rat race or anything else that is stressful or fast paced. Your personal relationships bring in a lot of joy and contentment this week. If you have recently met someone then just go with the flow. Enjoy every moment without jumping to any conclusions too soon. Financially, the week ahead is stable but you may overspend or be frivolous with money.
Card: The Hierophant
While everything around may seem normal and uneventful, there is a lot happening that the Taureans may not be able to see. It is in this state of nothingness that the seeds of dynamic change would be sown. The week ahead brings in inspiration from a higher or deeper source that may nudge you to look deeper into yourself. This would lead to a very profound shift within you that would later on pave the way for big changes. The week ahead brings in wisdom and learning that could come from a mentor, teacher, book or even a workshop.
Card: Justice
During the week ahead you would need to maintain a balance, not just between your work and home but also between your heart and mind. You may come across a situation where you would need play the role of a peacemaker or a decision maker and have a very neutral and detached approach. If you are facing any legal issues, the week ahead brings in good news as things progress in your favour. Your health may require more attention as an unhealthy lifestyle may create sickness or problems. Your relationships require more nurturing and attention so do set some time aside for your loved ones this week.
Card: 3 of Wands
During the week ahead the Cancerians would focus on creating a stable foundation for themselves. Everything around your plans for the future would go smoothly and you would be able to implement your ideas into action with ease. This is the time to put yourself out there and seek opportunities that are outside your comfort zone. You are now ready to step up to the next level and take the leap forward, be it with your personal or professional life or even with your financial goals.
Card: The Sun
The week ahead brings in a lot of positivity and there may be a lot of socializing and celebrations as well. If you are having any problems or issues regarding a person or situation, there would be a breakthrough and you would discover the way forward. Certain truths about yourself and your life would also be discovered. Your health looks great and if you have been unwell, you would experience a sudden recovery and be in the best of your physical and mental health. Your professional life seems to be on track and your motivation and energy level also seems very high.
Card: The Moon
Emotional ups and downs and mood swings are a possibility this week. Relationships may also go through extremes where there is either happiness or misunderstandings. You may be drawn towards mysticism and occult studies. If you are seeking clarity about something, you may not be satisfied with the outcome. In such a situation, it is best to trust your instincts as they will not fail you. At work, don’t take anything on face value, especially if you have received negative feedback about a project, task or a person. There is more than what meets the eye.
Card: Judgment
The week ahead is of clarity and breakthroughs for the Librans. You would be able to look beyond the obvious and find answers to questions that you have always been seeking. The clarity that you gain would be achieved by going within and not from any external source or person. Everything that you need is within you. During the week ahead you may make some important decisions that could have a long-term impact on your life.
Card: 9 of Swords
The Scorpions may face challenges with respect to their mental and emotional health this week. External events and conflicts may trigger the feelings of sorrow, anxiety or panic. You may also tend to overthink or overanalyze certain situations. Your sleep patterns may also be disturbed as a result of this. If you are going through any emotional turmoil, it is best to stay with that emotion and deal with it instead of brushing it under the carpet or finding a way to numb yourself. Do take help or reach out to loved ones, if required, instead of dealing with it alone.
Card: Ace of Swords
During the week ahead the Sagittarians would experience a breakthrough and, as a result, have a lot of mental clarity about the issues in hand. At work, you may engage in intellectually stimulating activities that would push your capacity to do better. On the personal front, you may draw boundaries from people who have been limiting you or bringing you down. Relationships improve with better and clear communication between you and your loved ones.
Card: 2 of Cups
The week ahead brings in a lot of joy for the Capricorns. You would be a lot more balanced mentally and emotionally. You may get together virtually or in person with your close friends. You would also feel very loved and supported by their presence. For singles, this is a good time to put yourself out there. You must, however, take it slow and keep things light and casual. Don’t be in a rush to commit. At work, things look pretty balanced and pleasant this week.
Card: The Magician
The week ahead may be filled with random coincidences and chance encounters. The truth, however, is that nothing happens without a reason and everything you experience is a part of the divine plan. The week ahead brings in the answer to your prayers and you would feel as though there is a force that is bringing the right people or resources to you at the right time. All the other aspects of your life would be smooth and balanced. Watch out for manipulative people, especially at work.
Card: Page of Swords
The Pisceans would be very passionate and motivated towards their dreams and goals this week. If you play by the rules and do whatever is expected out you, success is inevitable. The week ahead brings in a surge of creative ideas that could have a lot of potential in the future. On the relationship front, you need to be careful about having petty arguments with your loved ones. Let go of the need to be right. You may come across a situation where you might have to speak up for yourself or for others.