Card: 10 of Swords
The week ahead brings in the end of something in your life. There are certain karmic lessons you have learnt therefore everything associated with that lesson would not be relevant in your life anymore. This could include a certain pattern, a relationship or even a career path. You are now free to write your destiny as per your terms and conditions. The changes that this week brings in would need to be handled with strength and patience. The transition may not be easy but it would be well worth it.
Card: 10 of Cups
The 10 of Cups brings in a wonderful time for the Taureans, especially with relationships, irrespective of whether you are single or committed. If you have recently met someone, he or she may be the one for you. Those who have a partner would experience a deeper level of love and companionship with them. At work, you would be very successful at everything that you do. For business owners, consultants and freelancers, this is a great week as you would do very well in your trade and also make good money. Healthwise, you would feel very balanced and positive on all levels.
Card: 8 of Pentacles
The week ahead brings in opportunities of learning for the Geminis. This could be through a formal training or workshop or it could also be through a deep spiritual understanding that comes in from sudden realizations. You become better at what you do and move towards achieving excellence. On the professional front, you would be required to put in a lot of hard work which may not pay off immediately but it would definitely count at some point of time. You may not be able to spend time with loved ones due to your hectic schedule.
Card: Ace of Pentacles
The week ahead brings in some wonderful breakthroughs in your life that lead to stability and prosperity. You receive many signs from the Universe that give you the assurance of hope and happiness. Any financial issues or problems get resolved and you receive the funds that you were wanting. If you have been looking for a job or a project you would get it this week and it would be much better than what you expected. Relationships look stable this week. Those on the spiritual path may have a deep spiritual experience or realization this week.
Card: 3 of Wands
The week ahead brings in a lot of positivity, especially in your professional life. Projects on the planning stage move towards execution. You achieve small milestones in your goals and plans. This is a good time to experiment professionally and look for opportunities of growth and expansion. If you like someone, make your move. You would be in for a pleasant surprise. Your financial situation seems stable and positive this week. Your health is also likely to remain on the upside. Overall, a very pleasant and positive week ahead!
Card: Knight of Swords
There would be a lot happening during the week ahead for the Virgos Things may seem hectic and challenging and there would be a lot of action around you. Having said that, all the chaos and drama would actually be fun and not as difficult as it sounds. Travel related to work is a possibility. This is also the time where all the ideas and plans would be put into action. You would find yourself very energetic and driven so do make the most of it. If anything has been stuck or moving slow, it would pick up pace this week.
Card: The Wheel of Fortune
Be prepared for a major shift to occur in your life! Things are about to change for the better and it is best that you be in complete allowance of what the Universe and your fortunes bring to you. Instead of trying to control the situation, just go with the flow! You would be reaping the rewards of your hard work and sacrifices very soon. If you are single and haven’t been able to attract the right person yet, you are in luck as the one you are waiting for would walk in really soon. Those with existing health issues would benefit from changing the treatment or the doctor.
Card: Judgment
The week ahead would externally seem like any other but it would bring in a lot of internal transformation that may not be visible to others. You would have a lot of realizations about yourself, your life and why things are the way they are. You may go through an emotional cleansing where you let go of past wounds and forgive everyone involved in creating that pain, including yourself. Those on the spiritual path may have a huge breakthrough and perhaps understand their true purpose for this life. Workwise, things will start coming together and would be more structured and clearer.
Card: 5 of Cups
The Sagittarians need to watch out this week, especially their relationships. Past issues may come up and the foundation of your marriage or friendship would be tested. If it is strong, the next few days would bring you closer but if not, there may be some permanent damage but at least you would know where you stand. At work, there may be some disappointments as things may not go as per plan. Think out of the box and be flexible. Look for the hidden opportunities that are disguised as challenges. Take care of your diet as your digestive system may be more vulnerable than usual.
Card: 8 of Cups
The week ahead involves releasing everything that is limiting you and holding you back. It could be letting go of old clothes or clutter in your home or letting go of your judgements or resentment towards a person or a relationship. During the week ahead you may unconditionally forgive or seek forgiveness from someone. On the work front, there would be some gains but also some disappointment. Things may not go as per your liking. Existing health issues seem to have an emotional connection and would get resolved once these emotions are addressed or released.
Card: The Magician
The week ahead continues to bring in the blessings of the Higher beings for the Aquarians! The Universe is on your side so whatever your agenda is, you would be tremendously supported, especially if it is in alignment with your soul purpose. Any obstacles or challenges on your path would be automatically taken care of. You must ensure that your communication is very clear, be it written or spoken as there is a possibility of misunderstanding or miscommunication. Your thoughts are very powerful and would help you materialize your wishes faster so use them wisely.
Card: The Hermit
During the week the Pisceans should retreat and introspect instead of diving into action. There are many unconscious forces at work and things are about to shift for you internally. For these changes to get implemented from your unconscious mind to your reality, it requires you to reset your internal patterns and thought processes which can be done through meditation and also by spending some quiet time alone. Give yourself and break and if needed sleep for a longer duration. On the professional front, there may be some delays and setbacks but it is for the better.